Learn the 3 simple steps to get your kiddo to stop withholding so they can achieve healthy bowel function and positive toileting habits.
No more begging and pleading with your child to use the toilet when you see they have to go.
No more watching your child pace for hours in discomfort because they refuse to use the toilet.
No more revolving your days and weeks around your child's pooping schedule.
No more worrying about your kiddo having accidents at school, camp, playdates, and activities when you're not around!
🚽 Holds in their stool until they can't hold it any longer
🚽 Refuses to sit on the toilet & will only poo in their diaper/underwear
🚽 Has 5+ accidents a week which has been happening for at least 2 weeks
🚽 Denies having to go, every time you ask if they have to go.
🚽Hides or runs away from you every time they have to poo.
🚽 Doesn’t actually poo for 3+ days
Bribing your kiddo with candy or toys to get them to poo in the toilet
Set up sticker charts and reward systems to motivate them to use the toilet
Relied on laxatives like Restorolax/Miralax to fix the problem
Begging and pleading with them to just sit on the toilet and go already!!!
Telling yourself that with time they'll mature and grow out of it.
Have used a suppository or enema as a last resort 😭
Hi there! I'm Cori Stern, Child Behaviour Specialist. I'm also the Mother of 2 + 1 large puppy. For the past 20 years, I've been working with parents to support them through the different ages and stages of development, so they can parent with less of the day to day stress and overwhelm. I've merged by backgrounds in child development, positive parenting, education, & applied behaviour analysis to provide a very unique and integrated approach to parenting the "whole-child". I've coached hundreds and hundreds of busy parents on how to overcome toileting challenges by focusing on building resiliency, trust, and a strong sense of security. Parenting is hard and you deserve to feel nothing short of amazing when it comes to raising your child- there's not stopping here!
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